
Character Education (Our School Toolkit)

Our School Toolkit


As a staff we chose 6 key character values, which are:


confidence, independence, resilience, teamwork, curiosity and courage


These represent our School Toolkit, which is an integral part of the language of our school, through learning, rewards, achievements.

We believe that by enhancing and promoting these values in children, it will help them to be socially, emotionally and academically successful, now and in later life. We want to foster these skills so that children become active learners who are open to challenging themselves and are able to bounce back from mistakes to try new things. This aligns beautifully with our drive for metacognition across the curriculum.


Each of the 6 values have their own infant friendly character which has it's own rhyming story, carefully created by our PD Lead to demonstrate it in an accessible and relatable way.


Each half term, we choose one character value to focus on more specifically. Our PD Lead shares stories. high quality texts and discussion through special assemblies. All values are revisited and demonstrated regularly, however, each has a half term of more focused attention.


These values also provide a shared language across the school. They now feature in many above and beyond points, golden ticket rewards, beyond school awards, aspiration assemblies and class discussion/individualised feedback. They are on display in all classes, alongside the learning characters.




Bude Primary Academy - Infants
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