
Our Curriculum Overview

A Knowledge Engaged Curriculum
We believe that for very young children a knowledge engaged approach to learning is the most appropriate and that knowledge underpins and enables the application of skill

Our Starting with Me’ continuum is an important factor in broadening concepts and connecting knowledge to support long term memory. The focus for the youngest children is to secure a strong sense of self-identity and what makes their individual context important and unique in shaping the school community. As children mature, the curriculum is designed to build on this secure sense of self and broaden outlooks so that by the time children leave at the end of KS1, they are beginning to develop a wider view of their local and national context, and increasingly embracing a wider understanding of the world 

Our ultimate intent is that learning is structured within a curriculum that is designed to be engaging, enjoyable and rich with  tangible experiences and meaningful contexts for learning.   We have split our curriculum into substantive  and disciplinary knowledge  to ensure that our children are taught both the essential content, facts, and concepts that form the body of knowledge within a particular subject and how understanding how knowledge within a subject is developed, tested, and validated so that we become  scientists, musicians, artists, writers, historians and much more!  
The development of Reading and skills in English and Mathematics is at the core of the curriculum and or all of our topics we carefully select texts which will enhance vocabulary, language and engagement in learning.  The drive for progress is everything
In September 2022 we launched our own bespoke curriculum written with our children at its heart. Our aim has been to provide our children with a  high-quality, ambitious curriculum where knowledge and skills are developed and where many learning objectives are revisited, consolidated and enhanced from one year group to another. A curriculum which engages and enthuses staff and children, and maximises human and environmental resources in the school and local community through meaningful experiences and celebrates our rich local and national heritage and values A curriculum that is inclusive of all children and gives all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and achieve their best possible outcome. 

At Bude Infants Primary Academy we are committed to providing a high-quality education that meets the needs of every child. As part of this commitment, our dedicated team  is continually reviewing and improving our curriculum to align with the latest educational standards and best practices. We are  we are in the process of refining our curriculum plans to ensure the best possible learning experiences for our children, incorporating feedback from both  teachers and children.  Our Science, Geography, History , Art and Design plans are now  available on our website


In January 2022 EYFS also launched  their own new  exciting topic questions which is led in part by the children's interests and fascinations. This is been carefully designed to reflect and prepare our children for the knowledge and skills that they will continue to develop as they move onto our Key Stage One Curriculum.  Please see more about this in the EYFS Curriculum section.

We follow the New Cornwall Agreed Syllabus for RE which encourages children to explore their own and others' beliefs and opinions. We have an inclusive school which celebrates diversity and learns about the different cultures and religions in our own community and beyond. We learn about, and celebrate, different festivals and occasions throughout the year. We also aim to celebrate all things British, including British values and also all things Cornish in this beautiful county we live in.

We use SCARF, an interactive PSHE programme to support children's personal, social, health and emotional development ensuring that we are compliant with the new regulations from September 2020.


Bude Primary Academy - Infants
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