
Clubs and Community

Extra-curricular offer - Clubs

We are proud of the offer we provide our children after school. We have tried to provide clubs which appeal to a wide range of interests and skills, both active and creative. 

We asked our children and parents about our Extra-Curricular Club offer, to assess any gaps or needs we weren’t meeting. As a result, we realised that many children had an interest or love for Art which was not being met out of school hours. Our Art Club has been very popular as a result. We also looked at attendance to see whether there were any children who were not attending clubs often. We have worked with these families to give all children equal opportunities to attend.

Trailblazers Club - Community Action

We ran our first Trailblazers Club in the Summer term of 2024. This club has the main aim of encouraging children to spread a rainbow of happiness in the local community and beyond by doing kind, thoughtful, helpful acts for others. Many of these ideas come from the children themselves who think of kind actions, fundraising ideas and charities to support. At the end of the half term, with parental permission, we complete our own applications for a Silver Blue Peter badge in recognition of the selfless things we have done.

Here is what our pilot group did:

- We painted art work to give to each resident of Red Gables care home and then visited them to read them stories and play board games.

- We worked with the 2Minute Foundation to find out about microplastics and did a beach clean at Crooklets Beach.

- We baked scones at school with Michele our cook and baked cakes/biscuits at home to sell in our pop up Trailblazers Café. We made £280 to give to Cornwall Air Ambulance and will now have “Bude Primary Academy – Infants,” flying high on the second Cornwall Air Ambulance when it begins its missions.

Quotes from some of the Trailblazers:

“It has helped with my confidence.”

“It has shown me how to spread kindness.”

“Trailblazers is the best club I’ve ever done and I wish I could do it in year 3*. My favourite thing was going to the care home and being with the older people who don’t have a lot of visitors and it made them so happy.”

Parent quotes about Trailblazers:

“This club has provided opportunities for exposure to new experiences, boosting her confidence. It has been amazing, thank you!”

“I think the club was great, really widened their horizons. The empathy gained from the people of the home has really stuck and made her more aware that there are more people who need help and can be lonely. The planning and the organisation aspects of running the café were right up her street. It has definitely provoked some deep conversations in our house.”

“It has given him a sense of pride and enjoyment in doing good things around the community.”

*The good news is that the legacy of Trailblazers continues on.not just at our school but following our lead Bude Junior School have started it too. So we are spreading a bigger rainbow of Bude happiness which will hopefully keep growing, setting a pattern for our futures also..we can’t wait to see what comes next our children will decide!

Aspiration Assemblies
We invite people from our local community to talk to us about their hobbies or jobs. We talk about how long they have done their job, what motivated them to do their job and what they learned at school which has helped them to be successful. 


As a school we raised over £1000 for Cornwall Hospice. Children did lots of jobs at home to earn money to buy families experiencing childhood terminal illness Christmas presents and sensory toys for the centre. This teaches children about being selfless, earning money and thinking of others.

We've done collections for The British Legion, The Cornwall Air Ambulance and each class has their own mascot from an animal adoption from the WWF.


Community kindness 

We like to get involved in local initiatives or offer to do kind acts in the community. At Christmas we made over 200 cards for people who have little or no family and decorations for a community Christmas lunch. This spreads the message that we can make a difference as a collective, to spread happiness.


Beyond School Awards incl Community Champions 

We actively promote and celebrate achievements out of school in our Celebration Assemblies with parents, from personal targets achieve to kindness at home, to selfless acts in the community like beach cleaning, recycling, charity work. These are also celebrated on social media. We have a whole school display in the hall which celebrates these achievements.



We are expanding our curriculum to utilise our wonderful community more often, on meaningful trips and experiences linked to topics. Also involving ourselves in local initiatives like beach cleans and library displays.


Special events 

We like to invite special guests to celebrate poignant occasions like the Queen’s Jubilee and our own Coronation. We also send letters to members of the Royal family during special events. 

We believe that children should be exposed to a wide range of careers from an early age. Our own research within our school community (through a questionnaire) has shown how important it is to tackle gender stereotypes as soon as possible. 
Our PD Lead took part in a government initiative called Start Small, Dream Big, which provided training and opportunities in Careers Education. 
In March 2024 we launched our own Careers Day, where children wore costumes which reflected their current choice of future career. Here are some of the wonderful opportunities we had on that day:
- We had the chance to meet and paint with local artist, Natalie Day.
- We did some first aid with paramedic Vicky Jones.
- We met PC Nina and talked about her role in the police. 
Year 2 worked with Clair Roberts, Youth Business Enterprise Manager for Cornwall, and designed their own business plan with budget and logo design. They then pitched these to each other. 
All children had the exciting opportunity to meet with Jazz (toy designer and business owner at Rudi and Bear). She launched a competition to design their own wooden Ned toy, which she then made and put on her website for international sale! The winner was also gifted his own special Ned design. 

Bude Primary Academy - Infants
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Bude Primary Academy - Infants. All rights reserved. 2025