
Sport For All

Here at Bude Primary Academy Infants we believe that all children can engage in physical activity regardless of their background, ability, disability or needs. 
As a school to maximise our PE and Sporting activity beyond the Governments statutory two hours in school day and one hour extra-curricular we have introduced our 'Super Play Days' at lunch times, where pupils can access activities run by both adults and our playleaders. 
Our extra curricular activities change half termly with EYFS clubs starting in the Spring Term. Allowing them to have transitioned into school life and then can maximise the benefits of after school provision. The activities change each half term as we endeavor to make them as varied as possible so there is a broad experience and embedding an active lifestyle, so it becomes second nature. 
We are always looking to introduce new activities through our staff, parents, external coaches, and community groups to offer the children the best possible opportunities with routes into community clubs to ensure they benefit from the power of an active lifestyle. 
All our children have a PE kit which they wear for all PE and sports activities. 

Bude Primary Academy - Infants
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