
Reception/Year 1 - Rowan

Miss Phoebe Price

Rowan Class Teacher

Stacey Slater

Rowan Class Teaching Assistant

Mrs Kerrianne Inch

TA/HLTA / Breakfast Club Supervisor

Welcome to Rowan Class!
            General Information:
  • Daily equipment - Please send your child with a water bottle every day and a coat appropriate for the weather. Please could wellington boots be brought into school as we will use our outdoor area as much as possible, including when it's raining. Please apply sun cream in the morning (where needed) and send a named bottle for your child to re-apply if required. 
  • PE -  with Mr Dart is on a Monday . Please ensure your child brings their P.E kit to school EVERY DAY. Please ensure that each item is clearly labelled.
  • Home Learning - Each week we will keep you up to date with your child's phonics group and home learning related to this. We will give you links to useful videos which you can use daily to support your child at home. 
  • Home School communication
  • For Reception Children in Rowan class we use Tapestry. Each week you will receive some photographs to give you a flavour of what has been happening in class each week  and to let you know what will will be doing in the following week. We will send home weekly videos of how to support your child in phonics.
  • We will also send out any messages about Rowan class via tapestry and parents can use it to communicate with the Miss Price.
  • We also love it when parents send in photos of things their child has been doing outside of school so that they can share it with their friends!     
  •  To keep parents/carers informed about things they might need, latest groupings in phonics etc. It is essential that parents/carers login to Tapestry as regularly as possible to stay in the loop. We value communication with you and positive contributions which you can make towards your child's special learning journey full of wonderful memories of this milestone first year.
            Year 1 children - once the children are in Year 1 we use Class Dojo. 
               Each week the class teacher will post on here the learning your children will be doing each                   week and tips and ideas for supporting them at home. This  will include short phonics                             videos  that you can use to help your child with  their reading at home. 
              Like Tapestry, Class Dojo is also used as a communication tool between home and school

Bude Primary Academy - Infants
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